Welcome to our music homepage!
Click the following links to directly access our
albums on the "Ben Luce Sonic Worlds" Bandcamp Site, including:
Dragon in the Deep
I Play the Harpsichord Electric
The Desert Suite
In the Hall of the Star King
Music for a Starry Night
Earth Poems I
Nature Sounds I
Additional Videos can be found on Ben's Sonic Worlds YouTube Site as well.
Our MusicWe compose, record, and perform our own original music, foremost of which is our musical soundscapes, with express a variety of natural and emotional landscapes. Elements of electronic music, folk, rock, classical, and jazz can be heard throughout. To stream and/or purchase this music, please visit our Bandcamp Site. A review of our Desert Suite CD, with an account of "our story" was published by the The Barton Chronicle. We are available to perform our music for suitable venues and occasions. Please see the contact form below. |
JANICE LUCE Janice Luce is an accomplished pianist an keyboardist, with extensive experience performing in community orchestras, accompanying other soloists, playing for theatre productions, and providing music for religious services. She utilizes piano, pipe organs, and electronic keyboards, and is available for performance and accompanying services as time allows. |
BEN LUCEBen Luce is also an accomplished keyboardist, synthesist, and composer who plays a wide variety of keyboard instruments, synthesizers, guitars, and other instruments. He is available for performance of his music as well, and with Janice for performances of collaborative music such as The Desert Suite. |
If you're interested in contacting us for whatever reason, please email us using the form below: